The convicted person must, except in the case of prescription, justify payment of the fine and damages or the remission made to him.
Failing this justification, he must establish that he has undergone the time of judicial constraint determined by law or that the Treasury has waived this means of enforcement.
If he is convicted of fraudulent bankruptcy, he must prove payment of the bankruptcy liabilities in capital, interest and costs or remission thereof.
In the event of joint and several condemnation, the court determines the share of the damages or liabilities that must be paid by the claimant.
If the injured party cannot be found, or if he refuses to receive the sum due, it is paid to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations as in the case of offers of payment and consignment. If the party does not appear within a period of five years to receive the sum consigned, this sum is returned to the depositor on simple request.