When diving is carried out using rebreathers, these are certified in accordance with current standards.
After having completed a qualifying course, adapted to the rebreather in question, from the Fédération française d’études et de sports sous-marins, the Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail, the Union nationale des centres sportifs de plein air, the Association nationale des moniteurs de plongée or the Syndicat national des moniteurs de plongée, or recognised by the manufacturer of the rebreather, the user of a rebreather may access the prerogatives defined by this section if he/she can demonstrate the skills corresponding to the space in which he/she will be diving and the gas mixtures used.
When diving with a rebreather beyond 6 metres, divers must have access to an open-circuit emergency breathing system delivering one or more breathing mixes enabling them to return to the surface.
In the natural environment, when the person supervising the group uses a rebreather, the emergency breathing system must be independent of the rebreather.