As regards the guarantee of the exchange rate risk relating to export transactions or to loans or credits granted to finance export transactions or export-related transactions, the loss or profit that may result from a difference between the exchange rate prevailing on the day of collection of a debt and the exchange rate on the basis of which the guarantee was granted shall, up to the percentage of the guarantee, be borne by or for the benefit of the body referred to in Article L. 432-2, less, where applicable, the fraction of this difference excluded from the guarantee.
However, the insured may only invoke the benefit of the guarantee if he can prove that he has taken all necessary steps to collect his claim and has complied with the provisions of the foreign exchange regulations applicable to the repatriation of this claim. The foreign exchange loss or gain must be settled within a maximum of six months from the date of receipt of the claim declaration by the organisation referred to in article L. 432-2, in the case of a loss, or from the date of collection of the claim in the case of a gain.
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, cover for the exchange rate risk relating to an export transaction which also benefits from a guarantee under 2° of article L. 432-2 does not give the organisation mentioned in article L. 432-2 any right to the exchange rate profit resulting from any increases in the exchange rate of the foreign currency compared to the initial exchange rate.