The professional practice standard relating to the specific principles applicable to the audit of consolidated financial statements, approved by the Minister of Justice, is set out below:
NEP 600. Specific principles applicable to the audit of consolidated accounts
1. Pursuant to the second paragraph of article L. 823-9 of the French Commercial Code, the statutory auditors certify, and justify their assessments, that the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial position and results of all the persons and entities included in the consolidation.
In order to meet this legal requirement, the statutory auditors express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements after carrying out an audit, in accordance with professional standards.
2. The purpose of this standard is to define the specific principles applicable to the audit of consolidated financial statements, in addition to the provisions set out in the professional standards relating to the certification of financial statements.
These principles also apply when the statutory auditors have performed an audit of the consolidated financial statements.
These principles also apply when the accounts to be certified by the auditor are combined accounts.
The purpose of this standard is not to define the principles governing the collegiate auditing of accounts by several statutory auditors, which is the subject of the corresponding professional practice standard.
3. In the specific context of the audit of consolidated accounts, audit risk includes the risk that a misstatement in the accounting information of the entities included in the consolidation that could lead to material misstatement of the consolidated accounts is not detected either by the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of these entities or by the statutory auditor.
4. By convention, in this standard:
the term “entities” refers to the entities included in the consolidation;
-the term “consolidating entity” refers to the entity that prepares the consolidated financial statements subject to certification by the statutory auditor;
the term “statutory auditor” refers to the body that carries out the statutory audit of the accounts of the consolidating entity;
> – the term “consolidated entity” refers to the entity that prepares the consolidated accounts subject to certification by the statutory auditor;
-entity accounting information” means the accounts or information prepared by entities in accordance with the instructions of the consolidating entity for inclusion in the consolidated accounts, such as the consolidation package;
– “professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts” means the entities’ statutory auditors or other professionals who carry out audit work on the entities’ accounting information.
Engagement letter
5. The statutory auditor applies the provisions of the professional practice standard relating to the engagement letter.
Planning the audit
6. The statutory auditor plans the audit of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the principles of the professional practice standard relating to engagement planning.
Obtaining an understanding of the consolidated entity and its environment and assessing the risks of material misstatement
7. In accordance with the professional practice standard on understanding the entity and its environment and assessing the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, the statutory auditor identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement at the level of the consolidated financial statements.
To do this, the statutory auditor familiarises himself with:
-the consolidated entity and the entities that make it up, their activities and their environment, the process for preparing the consolidated accounts defined by the consolidating entity and the instructions issued by its management to the entities in the consolidated entity;
-the controls designed by the consolidating entity and implemented in the consolidated entity for the purposes of preparing the consolidated financial statements, in order to:
identify entities that are material to the audit of the consolidated financial statements based on the significance of their individual contributions or the significance of the risk of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements arising from the accounting information of those entities;
– assess the risk of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements arising from the audit of those entities; and
-assessing the risk of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error;
8. When taking cognisance of the matter, the statutory auditor shall take into account the information obtained prior to accepting his mandate.
Knowledge of the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of entities
9. Pursuant to the provisions of article L. 823-9 of the French Commercial Code, certification of the consolidated financial statements is issued in particular after examination of the work of the statutory auditors of the persons and entities included in the consolidation or, if none exist, of the professionals responsible for auditing the financial statements of said persons and entities.
10. The statutory auditor shall assess the possibility of using, for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated accounts, the information collected and the conclusions issued by the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of the entities. In order to do so, he shall examine the following criteria:
a) The identity of these professionals and the nature of the assignment entrusted to them, their professional qualifications and their competence;
> b) Their understanding of the accounting rules and regulations and their ability to carry out the audit.
b) Their understanding of the rules of independence and professional ethics applicable to the audit of consolidated financial statements and their ability to comply with them;
c) the possibility of being involved in the work to be carried out by these professionals for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated financial statements;
d) the existence of a system for monitoring their profession in the regulatory environment of the entities;
11. Following this review, if the statutory auditor considers that it cannot use the work of the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated accounts, it shall adapt its level of involvement in the work required and, if necessary, carry out this work itself.
Materiality thresholds
12. The statutory auditor determines:
a) the materiality threshold at the level of the consolidated accounts taken as a whole;
b) Where applicable, materiality thresholds at the level of the consolidated financial statements of lower amounts for certain categories of transactions, certain account balances or certain information provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements;
c) the materiality threshold at the level of the accounts of each entity whose accounting information is to be audited or reviewed for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated accounts; this threshold is always lower than the materiality threshold determined at the level of the consolidated accounts taken as a whole;
d) the threshold below which the information provided in the notes to the consolidated accounts may not be disclosed in the consolidated accounts
d) The threshold below which misstatements are manifestly insignificant in relation to the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole;
13. Where the accounts of an entity are audited in accordance with legal and regulatory texts, the articles of association or any other obligation, and the statutory auditor considers, on the basis of the criteria defined in paragraph 10 of this standard, that he will be able to use this work for his own purposes, he shall assess the appropriateness of the materiality threshold at the level of the entity’s accounts taken as a whole, as determined by the professional responsible for auditing the entity’s accounts.
14. Where the professional responsible for the audit of an entity’s accounts defines an amount below the materiality threshold for the performance of his audit procedures, as defined in the professional practice standard relating to “material misstatements and materiality thresholds”, the auditor shall assess the appropriateness of this amount.
Responses to the risk assessment
15. In response to its assessment of the risk of material misstatement at the level of the consolidated financial statements, the statutory auditor determines:
-the tests to be performed, where appropriate, on the effectiveness of controls designed by the consolidating entity and implemented in the consolidated entity for the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements;
the nature, timing and extent of the work to be performed on the accounting information prepared by the entities for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated financial statements;
-the nature and extent of the work to be performed on the accounting information prepared by the entities for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated financial statements;
-the nature and extent of its involvement in the work performed by the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of the entities for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated accounts and the corresponding timetable.
Tests on the effectiveness of controls designed by the consolidating entity
16. The statutory auditor shall carry out, or shall ask the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts to carry out, tests on the effectiveness of the controls designed by the consolidating entity and implemented in the consolidated entity for the purposes of drawing up the consolidated accounts in the following cases:
-when the work to be carried out on the process of drawing up the consolidated accounts or on the entities’ accounting information is based on the assumption that these controls are operating effectively;
-when it considers that substantive controls alone do not reduce the audit risk to a sufficiently low level to obtain the assurance sought.
Nature and scope of the work on the accounting information prepared by entities for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated financial statements
Significant entities in relation to the consolidated financial statements
17. Where the statutory auditor has identified that an entity is material for the purposes of the audit of the consolidated accounts because of the significance of its individual contribution to the consolidated accounts, the statutory auditor or the professional responsible for auditing the accounts of the entity shall carry out an audit of the entity’s accounting information using the materiality level(s) defined at the level of the entity’s accounts.
18. Where the statutory auditor determines that an entity is material because of the significance of the risk of material misstatement that its accounting information may have on the consolidated financial statements, the statutory auditor or the professional responsible for auditing the entity’s financial statements shall perform one or more of the following:
-an audit of the entity’s accounting information using the materiality level(s) defined at the level of the entity’s financial statements;
an audit of one or more account balances, categories of transactions or other items of information in respect of which a high risk of material misstatement has been identified;
-specific audit procedures in accordance with the auditing standards applicable in the Member States of the European Union
-specific audit procedures in response to the high risk of material misstatement.
Entities not material to the consolidated financial statements
19. The statutory auditor performs analytical procedures at the level of the consolidated financial statements.
20. The statutory auditor shall assess whether the information that may be gathered from:
-work performed on the accounting information of significant entities;
-work performed on the process for preparing the consolidated financial statements and on the controls designed in the consolidating entity and implemented in the consolidated entity for the purposes of preparing the consolidated financial statements;
-an audit or limited review of the entity’s accounting information using the materiality threshold defined at the level of the entity’s financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements;
-an audit of one or more of the entity’s consolidated financial statements
-an audit of one or more account balances, categories of transactions or other items of information;
-Specific procedures.
The statutory auditor periodically modifies the selection of these entities.
Nature and extent of the statutory auditor’s involvement in the work carried out by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts
Significant entities.-Risk assessment
21. The statutory auditor is involved in the risk assessment carried out by the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of significant entities. The nature, timing and extent of the work required for this involvement depend on the auditor’s assessment of these professionals, according to the criteria set out in paragraph 10 of this standard. They include as a minimum:
-an exchange of information with the professional responsible for auditing the accounts or the entity’s management on the entity’s activities that are significant for the consolidated whole;
an exchange of information with the professional responsible for auditing the entity’s accounts on the risk of material misstatement due to fraud or error;
-and a review of the entity’s internal control documentation.
-and a review of the documentation of the professional responsible for auditing the entity’s accounts relating to the high risk of material misstatement. This documentation may take the form of a summary justifying its conclusions.
Audit procedures in response to the high risk of material misstatement
22. Where a high risk of material misstatement has been identified at the level of an entity for which work is performed by a professional responsible for auditing its accounts, the statutory auditor:
-assesses the appropriateness of further audit procedures to be performed in response specifically to that risk;
-determines whether it is necessary, based on his assessment of that professional, for him to be involved in performing the additional procedures.
Consolidation process
23. In response to its assessment of the risk of material misstatement relating to the consolidation process, the statutory auditor designs and performs audit procedures in addition to those performed in accordance with paragraphs 7 and 16 of this standard. These enable him:
-to assess the completeness of the scope of consolidation;
-assess the appropriateness, accuracy and completeness of the consolidation entries and evaluate whether there are any fraud risk factors or indicators of possible bias on the part of the management of the consolidating entity;
-assessing whether the accounting information of the entities has been correctly restated, when this information is not prepared using the same accounting framework as that used to prepare the consolidated financial statements;
– verifying that the accounting information of the entities has been correctly restated, when this information is not prepared using the same accounting framework as that used to prepare the consolidated financial statements
-verify that the accounting information communicated by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts is the same as that included in the consolidated accounts;
-assess whether the necessary restatements have been made in accordance with the applicable accounting framework when the closing date of the entities’ financial statements is different from that of the consolidating entity.
Subsequent events
24. As part of the audit of the entities’ accounting information, the statutory auditor or the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of these entities shall implement procedures designed to identify events that may have occurred in the entities between the closing date of their accounting information and the date of signature of the report on the consolidated accounts and that may require:
-appropriate accounting treatment in the consolidated accounts;
-or information in the report of the competent body to the body called upon to approve the consolidated financial statements.
25. When the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of entities carry out work other than an audit of their accounting information, the statutory auditor shall ask them to inform him of subsequent events as defined above of which they may have become aware.
Communication with the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts
26. The statutory auditor shall communicate his instructions sufficiently in advance to the professionals responsible for auditing the entity’s accounts. This communication shall define the work to be carried out, the use that will be made of it and the format and content of the communication between the professionals responsible for the audit of the entities’ accounts and the statutory auditor.
This communication also includes:
the request made to the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts to confirm that they will cooperate with the statutory auditor within the framework of the conditions for the use of their work, as defined in the instructions;
the provisions of the rules of professional conduct applicable to the audit of consolidated financial statements, in particular with regard to independence;
-in the case of a statutory auditor, the provisions of the rules of professional conduct applicable to the audit of consolidated financial statements, in particular with regard to independence
in the case of an audit or a limited review of the entities’ accounting information, the threshold(s) as defined in paragraph 12 b, c and d;
-the high risk of misstatement of the consolidated financial statements;
-the high level of independence of the auditor;
-the high level of independence of the auditor; and
the high risk of material misstatement identified by the statutory auditor at the level of the consolidated accounts resulting from fraud or error, which must be taken into account by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts;
-the request to inform, in the event of a material misstatement, the entity’s auditors of the reasons for the misstatement
the request to inform the statutory auditor, in a timely manner, of any other high risks of material misstatement to be considered at the level of the consolidated accounts resulting from fraud or error in the entities, as well as the procedures implemented to respond to such risks;
-the list of related parties prepared by the statutory auditor and the procedures implemented to respond to such risks
the list of related parties prepared by the management of the consolidating entity, together with the identity of any other related parties of which the statutory auditor is aware;
-the request to the professionals responsible for auditing the consolidated financial statements to provide the statutory auditor with a list of related parties, together with the identity of any other related parties of which the statutory auditor is aware
-the request to the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of the entities to inform the statutory auditor, as soon as they are aware of it, of the existence of any related party not identified by the statutory auditor or by the management of the consolidating entity. The statutory auditor shall assess, where appropriate, whether the existence of such related parties must be communicated to the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of the other entities.
27. The statutory auditor shall ask the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of the entities to provide him with the relevant information on which to base his opinion on the consolidated accounts.
This communication includes:
-confirmation by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts of compliance with the rules of professional ethics applicable to the audit of consolidated accounts, in particular those relating to independence and professional competence;
-confirmation by the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of the entities that the instructions received from the statutory auditor have been complied with;
-identification of the accounting information on which the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts have performed their work;
-cases of non-compliance with legal and regulatory texts that are likely to lead to material misstatements in the consolidated financial statements;
-a statement of uncorrected anomalies in the entities’ accounting information. This statement does not include misstatements that are below the threshold of manifestly insignificant misstatements, as defined in paragraph 12 d;
indicators of possible management bias;
-a description of any material weaknesses in the auditor’s work
a description of any material internal control weaknesses identified at entity level;
-other significant events that the auditor believes should be included in the audit report
-the other significant facts that the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts have communicated or will communicate to the members of the entities’ management and supervisory bodies, including fraud (actual or suspected) involving the entities’ management or employees with a key role in the internal control system or any other fraud that could result in a material misstatement of the entities’ accounting information;
any other important elements considered relevant by the statutory auditor, including the specific points mentioned in the letters of representation signed by the entities’ management;
> -and a summary of the points raised by the auditor, including the specific points mentioned in the letters of representation signed by the entities’ management
-and the summary of the points raised, the conclusions or the opinion of the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts.
Evaluation of the sufficiency and appropriateness of the items collected
28. The statutory auditor collects sufficient and appropriate elements on the basis of:
-audit procedures performed on the process of preparing the consolidated financial statements;
-work carried out by itself and by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts on the latter’s accounting information.
29. The statutory auditor shall:
-appreciate the relevance of the elements transmitted by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts as mentioned in paragraph 27;
-exchanges with the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts, the entities’ management or the management of the consolidating entity on the significant items identified;
assesses the need to review other elements of the documentation of the work of the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts;
-conceives, as soon as it is possible to do so, the need for a review of the documentation of the work of the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts
-design, where the work performed at entity level is deemed insufficient, the additional procedures to be implemented by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts or by the statutory auditor.
30. The statutory auditor assesses the impact on his audit opinion of:
-all uncorrected misstatements other than those that are clearly insignificant;
-any situation where it has not been possible to collect sufficient and appropriate evidence.
31. The statutory auditor shall communicate to the management of the consolidating entity, at the appropriate level of responsibility, applying the professional practice standard relating to the communication of internal control weaknesses:
the internal control weaknesses designed by the consolidating entity and implemented in the consolidated entity for the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements;
-weaknesses in the entities’ internal control, identified either by the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ financial statements or by the auditor, which the auditor considers to be of sufficient importance to warrant its attention;
-fraud that the auditor has identified in the consolidated financial statements and that the auditor has identified in the consolidated financial statements
-fraud that he has identified or that has been brought to his attention by the professional responsible for auditing the accounts of an entity or information that he has obtained on the possible existence of fraud.
32. The statutory auditor shall apply the provisions of the professional practice standard relating to communications with the bodies mentioned in Article L. 823-16 of the Commercial Code.
In this regard, the statutory auditor shall provide the following information:
-an overall presentation:
-the work to be carried out on the entities’ accounting information;
-its involvement in the work to be carried out by the professionals responsible for auditing entities’ accounts on the accounting information of major entities;
-the difficulties it has encountered in connection with the quality of the work carried out by the professional responsible for auditing the accounts of an entity;
any limitations on the performance of audit procedures considered necessary for the audit of the consolidated financial statements, for example when the statutory auditor has not been able to access all the information requested;
-weaknesses in the internal control system or in the internal control procedures of the auditor;
-weaknesses in the internal control system or in the internal control procedures of the auditor
the internal control weaknesses referred to in paragraph 31 that it considers to be material;
– actual or suspected fraud;
actual or suspected fraud involving:
-management of the consolidated entity
-the management of the consolidating entity, the management of the entities, employees having a key role in the controls designed by the consolidating entity and implemented in the consolidated entity for the purposes of preparing the consolidated financial statements;
-or other persons where the fraud resulted in a material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements.
33. The statutory auditor shall include the following in his file:
-an analysis of entities leading him to determine those that are or are not material;
-the nature of the work carried out on the entities’ accounting information;
-the nature, timing and extent of the statutory auditor’s involvement in the work carried out by the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of significant entities, including any review by the statutory auditor of all or part of the documentation of the professionals responsible for auditing the accounts of these entities and their conclusions;
-written communications between the statutory auditor and the professionals responsible for auditing the entities’ accounts relating to the statutory auditor’s requests.
The statutory auditor shall ensure compliance with the provisions of Article R. 821-76 of the French Commercial Code.