I.- Indicators for assessing the criteria defined inarticle R. 6316-1 of the Labour Code
Criterion 1: The conditions for informing the public about the services offered, the timescales for accessing them and the results obtained. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 1) The service provider provides detailed, publicly accessible and verifiable information on the services offered: prerequisites, objectives, duration, access procedures and timescales, prices, contacts, methods used and evaluation procedures, accessibility for people with disabilities. |
x | x | x | x | 2) The service provider disseminates results indicators adapted to the nature of the services provided and the target groups. |
Specific assessment indicator | ||||
x | x | x | 3) When the service provider provides services leading to vocational certification, it provides information on the success rate in obtaining the certifications prepared for, the possibilities of validating one or more blocks of skills, as well as on equivalences, gateways, subsequent courses and job opportunities. | |
Criterion 2: Precise identification of the objectives of the services offered and adaptation of these services to the beneficiaries, when designing the services. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 4) The service provider analyses the beneficiary’s needs in conjunction with the company and/or funding body concerned. |
x | x | x | x | 5) The service provider defines the operational and assessable objectives of the service. |
x | x | x | x | 6) The service provider establishes the content and methods of implementation of the service, adapted to the defined objectives and the beneficiaries. |
Specific assessment indicators | ||||
x | x | 7) When the service provider implements services leading to a professional qualification, he ensures that the content of the service is in line with the requirements of the qualification in question. | ||
x | x | 8) The service provider determines the procedures for positioning and assessing prior learning at the start of the course. | ||
Criterion 3: Adaptation of the services and the reception, support, monitoring and assessment procedures implemented to the target groups. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 9) The service provider informs the beneficiaries of the conditions under which the service is provided. |
x | x | x | x | 10) The service provider implements and adapts the service, support and follow-up to the beneficiaries. |
x | x | x | x | 11) The service provider assesses whether the beneficiaries have achieved the objectives of the service. |
x | x | x | x | 12) The service provider describes and implements measures to encourage the commitment of beneficiaries and prevent breakdowns in their pathway. |
Specific assessment indicators | ||||
x | x | 13) For work-linked training, the service provider, in conjunction with the company, anticipates with the apprentice the short-, medium- and long-term tasks to be carried out, and ensures the coordination and progressiveness of the learning carried out in the training centre and in the company. | ||
x | 14) The service provider provides socio-professional, educational and citizenship support. | |||
x | 15) The service provider informs apprentices of their rights and duties as apprentices and employees, as well as the rules applicable to health and safety in the workplace. | |||
x | x | x | 16) When the service provider implements training leading to professional certification, it ensures that the conditions under which beneficiaries are presented for certification comply with the formal requirements of the certification authority. | |
Criterion 4: Suitability of teaching, technical and supervisory resources for the services provided. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 17) The service provider provides or ensures the provision of appropriate human and technical resources and an appropriate environment (conditions, premises, equipment, technical platforms, etc.). |
x | x | x | x | 18) The service provider mobilises and coordinates the various internal and/or external players (educational, administrative, logistical, commercial, etc.). |
x | x | x | x | 19) The service provider makes teaching resources available to the beneficiary and enables him to use them. |
Specific assessment indicator | ||||
x | 20) The provider has staff dedicated to supporting national and international mobility, a disability adviser and a development committee. | |||
Criterion 5: Qualification and development of the knowledge and skills of the staff responsible for implementing the services. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 21) The service provider identifies, mobilises and assesses the skills of the various internal and/or external parties involved, as appropriate to the services provided. |
x | x | x | x | 22) The service provider maintains and develops the skills of its employees, appropriate to the services it provides. |
Criterion 6: The service provider’s involvement and investment in its professional environment. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 23) The service provider monitors legal and regulatory developments in the field of vocational training and makes use of the lessons learned. |
x | x | x | x | 24) The service provider monitors changes in skills, professions and jobs in the sectors in which it operates and makes use of the findings. |
x | x | x | x | 25) The service provider monitors pedagogical and technological innovations that enable its services to evolve, and makes use of the lessons learned. |
x | x | x | x | 26) The service provider mobilises the expertise, tools and networks needed to welcome, support/train or guide people with disabilities. |
x | x | x | x | 27) When the service provider subcontracts or uses freelance administration, it ensures compliance with these standards. |
Specific assessment indicators | ||||
x | x | 28) When the services provided to the beneficiary include periods of on-the-job training, the service provider mobilises its network of socio-economic partners in order to co-construct the training engineering and to promote induction in companies. | ||
x | 29) The service provider develops actions that contribute to professional integration or the pursuit of studies through apprenticeship or any other route that enables students to develop their knowledge and skills. | |||
Criterion 7: Assessments and complaints made by the parties involved in the services provided are collected and taken into account. | ||||
L. 6313-1-1° | L. 6313-1-2° | L. 6313-1-3° | L. 6313-1-4° | Assessment indicators |
x | x | x | x | 30) The service provider gathers feedback from the stakeholders: beneficiaries, funders, educational teams and companies involved. |
x | x | x | x | 31) The service provider implements procedures for dealing with difficulties encountered by stakeholders, complaints expressed by them and unforeseen events during the course of the service. |
x | x | x | x | 32) The service provider implements improvement measures based on the analysis of assessments and complaints. |
II.-Audit procedures provided for inarticle L. 6316-3 of the French Labour Code
1. Scope
The audits carried out by the certifying bodies to ensure compliance with the indicators set out in the national reference system concern the bodies which have a registration number for the declaration of activity provided for in article L. 6351-1 or which are in the process of being registered and which wish to benefit from the funds of the financers mentioned in article L. 6316-1.
In the case of an organisation with several sites, the certification covers all the sites.
The organisation informs the certifier in advance of the categories of skills development actions for which it wishes to be certified.
2. Certification procedure and cycle
The certification procedure is based on audits, in three-year cycles, in accordance with the procedures specified by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training. It comprises:
a) An initial audit, which verifies that the skills development actions meet the requirements. If the results are satisfactory, certification is issued for three years;
b) A surveillance audit, to ensure that the standards are being properly applied;
c) If the organisation applies for certification renewal, a renewal audit, which takes place during the third year before certification expires.
The duration of each of the audits varies according to the turnover relating to the organisation’s activity as a skills development action provider and the number of skills development action categories for which the organisation is applying for certification, in accordance with the procedures specified by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training.
3. Cases of non-conformity with the standards
A non-conformity is a deviation from one or more indicators in the standards.
It may be minor or major. A minor non-conformity is the partial inclusion of an indicator which does not affect the quality of the service provided. A major non-conformity means that an indicator has not been taken into account, or has only been partially taken into account, which calls into question the quality of the service provided. The procedures relating to these non-compliances with the national quality certification reference framework for the bodies mentioned in article L. 6351-1 are specified by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training.
4. Procedures for the certification of a body holding a quality certification or label for actions contributing to skills development
The procedures for the initial certification audit of a body holding a quality certification or label for actions contributing to the development of skills obtained pursuant toArticle R. 6316-3 of the Labour Code in its version prior to the entry into force of Decree No. 2018-1262 of 26 December 2018 relating to the National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training, and valid at the time of its application for certification, are specified by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training.