Pursuant to 3° of Article L. 1251-6, the sectors of activity in which assignment contracts may be concluded for jobs for which it is common practice not to use open-ended employment contracts, due to the nature of the activity carried out and the temporary nature of these jobs, are as follows:
1° Forestry operations ;
2° Ship repair;
3° Removals;
4° Hotels and restaurants;
5° Leisure and holiday centres;
6° Professional sports;
7° Entertainment, cultural activities, audiovisual, film production and sound recording;
8° Education;
9° Information, survey and polling activities;
10° Meat storage and warehousing;
11° Building and public works for sites abroad;
12° Cooperation, technical assistance, engineering and research activities abroad;
13° Scientific research carried out under an international convention, an international administrative arrangement made in application of such a convention, or by foreign researchers temporarily residing in France;
14° Technical or logistical assistance activities within international institutions or the European Union for the holding of sessions, of limited duration, provided for by the regulations of these institutions or by treaties.