The commission for commercial tourist accommodation is made up of:
1° Eleven representatives of commercial tourist accommodation professionals:
– five representatives of the hotel industry, appointed respectively by the Union des métiers et des industries de l’hôtellerie (UMIH), the Syndicat national des hôteliers, restaurateurs, cafetiers et traiteurs (SYNHORCAT), the Groupement national des chaînes hôtelières (GNC), the Confédération des professionnels indépendants de l’hôtellerie (CPIH) and the Fédération autonome générale de l’industrie hôtelière touristique (FAGIHT) ;
– one representative appointed by the Syndicat national des résidences du tourisme (SNRT);
– one representative appointed by the Fédération nationale de l’hôtellerie de plein air (FNHPA);
– one representative appointed by the Union nationale des associations de tourisme et de plein air (UNAT);
– one representative appointed by the Union nationale des campings et des parcs résidentiels de loisirs (UNAPAREL);
– one representative of the chambres d’hôtes networks appointed by order of the Minister responsible for tourism;
– one representative of the meublés de tourisme networks appointed by order of the Minister responsible for tourism.
2° A representative of the Fédération nationale des offices de tourisme et syndicats d’initiative;
3° A representative of the Réseau national des destinations départementales;
4° Three qualified individuals appointed by order of the Minister responsible for tourism;
5° Two representatives of consumer associations and one representative of associations working on behalf of people with disabilities, appointed by joint order of the Minister responsible for tourism and the Minister responsible for consumer affairs.
The Minister for Tourism or his representative attends the committee in an advisory capacity.
The Managing Director of the Agency or his representative attends its meetings as of right.
When the committee examines a draft classification table or when a general question concerning a type of commercial tourist accommodation is referred to it, it may, on its own initiative, hear other representatives of the commercial tourist accommodation professionals concerned.
The Committee elects a Chairman from among its members, who attends meetings of the Agency’s Board of Directors in an advisory capacity on matters on the agenda relating to commercial tourist accommodation.
Rules of procedure set out the operating conditions of the committee.