The key investor information document contains the following information:
1° A table containing the following information:
a) The rows show the aggregate categories mentioned in Article D. 214-80-1, followed by the total of these categories;
b) The columns show the following rates:
i) Maximum average annual management and distribution fee, calculated over the period referred to in 3° of Article D. 214-80 ;
ii) Maximum average annual distributor fee, calculated over the period mentioned in 3° of Article D. 214-80;
2° Details of the specific arrangements for sharing capital gains, where the fund rules provide for different rights to the net assets or income of the fund as referred to in II of Article D. 214-80-2;
3° A table containing the following information:
a) In rows, the following three performance scenarios:
i) A pessimistic scenario: at the end of a period corresponding to the life of the fund, including any extensions, the amount of ordinary units subscribed before deduction of fees is equal to 50% of the initial amount of ordinary units subscribed;
ii) An average scenario: at the end of the period mentioned in i) of a of this 3°, the amount of ordinary units subscribed before deduction of fees is equal to 150% of the initial amount of ordinary units subscribed;
iii) An optimistic scenario: at the end of the period mentioned in i) of a) of this 3°, the amount of ordinary units subscribed before deduction of expenses is equal to 250% of the initial amount of ordinary units subscribed;
b) In columns, the following values
i) Initial amount of ordinary units subscribed ;
ii) Management and distribution fees, excluding sales charges;
iii) Impact for the subscriber, at the end of the period mentioned in i) of a) of this 3°, of the amount corresponding to the percentage mentioned in 1° of II of Article D. 214-80-2, calculated using a standardised method;
iv) Total distributions to ordinary units at the end of the period referred to in i) of a) of this 3.
The table referred to in 3° of this article includes the following warning: “The performance scenarios are provided for information purposes only and their presentation in no way constitutes a guarantee that they will actually be achieved”.