The operator of a system governed by the law of a third country mentioned in 2°, 3° or 4° of I of Article L. 330-1 and approved in accordance with this same article shall inform the Minister in charge of the Economy immediately and in writing of any change, including any change in the legal framework applicable to it, that could result in non-compliance with the conditions of its approval.
The Minister for the Economy may request any additional information or documentation.
After receiving the opinion of the Banque de France, the Minister responsible for the economy who has been informed of a change that could lead to non-compliance with the conditions for approval of a system in accordance with the first paragraph of this article or by any other means may:
1° Consider that the changes do not call into question the approval of the system;
2° Consider that the system no longer meets the conditions for approval. In this case, the Minister for the Economy withdraws the approval. The system operator is notified of the withdrawal of approval by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by any other means likely to provide a date certain.