The application for final approval must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
1° An accounting document certified by an auditor indicating the final cost of the cinematographic or audiovisual work, the means of financing it and showing precisely the eligible expenses incurred in France;
2° A list of the names of the creative and production staff actually employed;
3° A copy of the declaration provided for in article L. 1221-10 of the French Labour Code and a copy of the document acknowledging receipt by the recipient organisation, for each of the staff mentioned in 2° ;
4° A copy of the nominative social declaration provided for in Article R. 133-14 of the Social Security Code;
5° (Deleted)
6° A list of the names of the technical industries and other creative service providers used and, for each of them, a copy of the invoices or other supporting documents and, where applicable, a copy of the service contract.
For audiovisual works, the delegated production company also provides a certificate of acceptance of the final version of these works by a television service publisher, showing the duration of the works.