Minors may not work more than thirty-five hours a week or seven hours a day.
Their remuneration may not be less than the minimum growth wage, taking into account a deduction of no more than 20%.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book I: General provisions | Title V: Special provisions for certain categories of workers | Chapter III: Young workers | Section 1: Admission age | Subsection 1: Employment during school holidays | Article D4153-3 of the French Labour Code
Minors may not work more than thirty-five hours a week or seven hours a day.
Their remuneration may not be less than the minimum growth wage, taking into account a deduction of no more than 20%.
La durée du travail du mineur ne peut excéder trente-cinq heures par semaine ni sept heures par jour.
Sa rémunération ne peut être inférieure au salaire minimum de croissance, compte tenu d’un abattement au plus égal à 20 %.
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