Article D4153-1 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this sub-section apply to minors aged between fourteen and sixteen who may work during the school holidays in application of article L. 4153-3.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book I: General provisions | Title V: Special provisions for certain categories of workers | Chapter III: Young workers
The provisions of this sub-section apply to minors aged between fourteen and sixteen who may work during the school holidays in application of article L. 4153-3.
The employment of minors is authorised only during school holiday periods comprising at least fourteen working days or more and on condition that the persons concerned enjoy a continuous rest period of not less than half the total duration of the said holidays.
Minors may not work more than thirty-five hours a week or seven hours a day. Their remuneration may not be less than the minimum growth wage, taking into account a deduction of no more than 20%.
Minors may only be assigned to light work that is not likely to be harmful to their safety, health or development.
Any employer intending to employ a minor must submit a written request to the Labour Inspector at least fifteen days before the planned date of recruitment. The request must include: 1° The surname, first names, age and place of residence of the person concerned; 2° The duration of the employment contract; 3° The nature and conditions of work envisaged; 4° The working hours; 5° The amount of remuneration; 6° The…
If the labour inspector does not issue a reasoned refusal to the hiring of a minor within eight clear days of the employer’s application being sent, authorisation is deemed to have been granted. The postmark will serve as proof of this. Where, within the same period, the labour inspector has made his authorisation conditional on one or more modifications or additions to the wording of the application, this decision is…
The Labour Inspector’s authorisation may be withdrawn at any time if it is found that the minor is being employed either under conditions that do not comply with the authorisation, or in disregard of the provisions of this Code.
The approval of the public house provided for in article L. 4153-6 is issued to the operator by the Prefect, for a renewable period of five years, after verification that the conditions under which the young worker is accommodated are such as to ensure his health, safety and physical or moral integrity. The Prefect obtains the opinion of the Departmental Director of Health and Social Affairs.
If an application for authorisation remains unanswered for more than two months, it will be deemed to have been rejected.
At the end of the five-year period, the approved operator submits a new application for approval, which is examined under the same conditions as the first application.
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