I.-For the application of article L. 441-14, companies shall present in the management report :
1° For suppliers, the number and total amount of invoices received but not paid by the end of the financial year for which the due date has passed; this amount is broken down by tranches of delay and expressed as a percentage of the total amount of purchases for the financial year;
2° In the case of customers, the number and total amount of invoices issued but not paid by the end of the financial year for which the due date has fallen; this amount is broken down by age group and expressed as a percentage of turnover for the financial year.
II.-By way of derogation, companies may present, instead of the information mentioned in I, the cumulative number and amount of invoices received and issued for which payment was late during the financial year and the breakdown of this amount by late payment stage. They shall relate these figures to the total number and amount of invoices received and issued respectively during the year.
III.-The companies specify whether the amounts mentioned in I and II are presented exclusive of tax or inclusive of tax.
IV.-The delays mentioned in I and II are determined on the basis of the contractual payment deadlines, or in the absence of specific contractual deadlines, the applicable legal deadlines.
If companies exclude invoices relating to disputed or unrecorded debts and receivables, they shall state this in the comments and mention the number and total amount of the invoices concerned.
The tables used to present the information referred to in I and II are drawn up in accordance with a model laid down by order of the minister responsible for the economy.