The reciprocal rights and obligations of the inter-company occupational health and prevention service and its members are set out in its articles of association or internal regulations. These statutes and regulations are communicated to the company, at the time of the application for membership, together with the scale of contributions of the inter-company occupational health and prevention service and a document detailing the individualised compensation for membership.
The employer sends the occupational health and prevention service a document specifying the number and category of workers to be monitored and the occupational risks to which they are exposed, in particular the risks mentioned in article R. 4624-23, which allow the worker to benefit from enhanced individual monitoring of his state of health. This document is drawn up in accordance with the risk assessment provided for in article L. 4121-3 and the list of jobs exposed to risk factors provided for in article R. 4624-46, after consulting the occupational physician(s) concerned and the social and economic committee, if any.
This document is updated every year in the same way.
It is made available to the regional director of companies, competition, consumption, work and employment.