The principles and reference systems mentioned in the last paragraph of Article L. 4622-9-3 are set out and implemented, in application of the provisions of this sub-section, in specifications laid down by an order of the Minister responsible for labour. This order specifies in particular:
1° The procedures for accreditation of the certification bodies mentioned in article D. 4622-47-2 ;
2° The procedures, method and conditions for issuing certification for inter-company occupational health and prevention services;
3° The list and nature of the criteria for each of the levels of certification mentioned in article D. 4622-47-3, as well as the related indicators;
4° The procedures for transmitting, communicating and monitoring certification, to members, to members of the national occupational health and prevention committee and the regional occupational health and prevention committees and to the administrative authorities mentioned in Article D. 4622-47-5;
5° The procedures for the handling by the inter-company occupational health and prevention service of complaints from members or third parties, in particular employees, staff representatives or members of the inspection commission, relating to the subject of certification;
6° The procedures for handling complaints addressed to the certifying body by the certified inter-company occupational health and prevention service or candidate for certification, by members or third parties in connection with the certification of this service, in particular those mentioned in 5°;
7° The procedures for transferring and handling certification files, in the event of suspension or withdrawal of accreditation, or in the event of cessation of activity;
8° Procedures for publicising certification.