The derogation, provided for in article L. 5132-5, from the minimum weekly working time for the holder of a fixed-term contract concluded in application of article L. 1242-3 is authorised by the Prefect, after examination by the structure for integration through economic activity which employs the employee, of the employee’s situation with regard to employment and the support and training measures carried out as part of the pathway for integration through economic activity, in accordance with the following conditions:
it may not be granted under a part-time employment contract concluded with a structure mentioned in articles L. 5132-4 and L. 5213-13 other than the employer ;
-it may not be authorised until at least four months after the start of the economic integration programme;
-the period during which the minimum weekly working time of twenty hours may be waived may not exceed six months;
-this derogation may be renewed once, after examination of the situation of the person concerned by the Prefect, based in particular on an assessment of the employee’s career development prospects submitted by the employer.