I.-Subject to the provisions of II, the total annual amount of aid paid to the adapted company under the financial envelope mentioned in article R. 5213-76 is calculated on the basis of a proportion of workers, excluding prisoners recognised as disabled workers who have signed a prison employment contract, which may not exceed 75% of the company’s annual salaried workforce.
This percentage is equal to the ratio of the number of full-time equivalent employees mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 5213-13-1, whose employment entitles them to financial aid, to the company’s annual salaried workforce.
Workers recognised as disabled who have signed a fixed-term contract under the conditions referred to in article 78 of the aforementioned law no. 2018-771 and detainees recognised as disabled workers who have signed a prison employment contract are excluded from the calculation.
II.When the adapted company carries out the mission provided for in Article L. 412-3 of the Penitentiary Code for prisoners recognised as disabled workers who have signed a prison employment contract, the total annual amount of aid paid under the financial envelope mentioned in Article R. 5213-76 is calculated on the basis of a proportion of prisoners recognised as disabled workers which may not exceed 75% of the annual number of prisoners who have signed a prison employment contract and are working within the framework of the contract to set up the adapted company.
This percentage is equal to the ratio between the number of hours worked each year by prisoners recognised as disabled workers whose employment entitles them to financial aid and the total number of hours worked each year by all prisoners who have signed a prison employment contract and work under the contract setting up the adapted company.