The conditions under which the disabled worker is made available are set out in written contracts between the adapted company and the user employer, on the one hand, and the disabled worker, on the other.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book II: Provisions applicable to certain categories of workers | Title I: Disabled workers | Chapter III: Recognition and guidance of disabled workers | Section 4: Career guidance | Subsection 2: Adapted companies | Paragraph 5: Secondment to another company | Article D5213-82 of the French Labour Code
The conditions under which the disabled worker is made available are set out in written contracts between the adapted company and the user employer, on the one hand, and the disabled worker, on the other.
Les conditions de la mise à disposition du travailleur handicapé sont fixées par des contrats écrits que de l’entreprise adaptée conclut, d’une part, avec l’employeur utilisateur et, d’autre part, avec le travailleur handicapé.
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