I.-The persons designated and authorised for this purpose within:
1° Pôle emploi;
2° The specialised placement bodies mentioned in Article L. 5214-3-1 are authorised to record or consult the data in the processing mentioned in Article D. 5312-50, under the conditions set by the joint data controllers and within the limits strictly necessary for the performance of their duties.
II – The recipients of all or part of the personal data included in this same processing operation, under the conditions set by the joint data controllers and within the limits strictly necessary for the performance of their duties, are the persons designated and authorised for this purpose within:
1° The Association de Gestion du Fonds pour l’Insertion Professionnelle des Handicapés (Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of the Disabled);
2° The fund for the integration of disabled people into the civil service.