The medical and paramedical staff involved in cardiac surgery include :
1° At least two surgeons, holding a diploma of complementary specialised studies in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery or competent in thoracic surgery and, for surgery on complex congenital heart disease in adults, the collaboration of a surgeon trained or with experience in surgery on congenital heart disease in accordance with the procedures specified by order of the Minister for Health;
2° At least one doctor with university training in extracorporeal blood circulation;
3° At least two qualified doctors specialised or competent in anaesthesia resuscitation with experience in cardiac surgery;
4° Where appropriate, doctors qualified in medical intensive care or cardiology;
5° For each operation: two nurses, including an operating theatre nurse, present in the room. If necessary, a nurse or doctor experienced in extracorporeal blood circulation and a nurse anaesthetist are also present or can be called in within a timeframe compatible with the life-threatening emergency.