I.-Any site authorised to provide medical and rehabilitation care comprises one or more multidisciplinary teams, each of which must comply with the specific provisions for each category defined in this sub-section and comprising:
1° At least two doctors, including the coordinating doctor;
2° At least one nurse;
3° At least one social worker;
4° Where necessary, medical auxiliaries, social and educational workers, psychologists and adapted physical activity teachers.
The holder organises a multi-annual training plan for the team in therapeutic education in the area concerned.
II. -The multidisciplinary team draws up an initial assessment for each patient and works out a therapeutic plan with him/her in conjunction with the doctor prescribing medical and rehabilitation care. The objectives and foreseeable duration of the therapeutic plan are determined and periodically reassessed. In the case of paediatric treatment, the person with parental authority is involved.
If the initial assessment, the development of the therapeutic plan or its implementation so require, members of the multidisciplinary team may visit and intervene in the patient’s place of residence or in the care structures, medico-social structures or social structures which receive or are likely to receive the patient, with the patient’s agreement and in conjunction with the patient’s GP or at the request of the reception structures.