I.-In addition to the professionals provided for in I of article D. 6124-197, the multidisciplinary team includes:
1° At least one physiotherapist;
2° At least one occupational therapist;
3° Where necessary, at least one speech therapist, dietician, psychomotrician or adapted physical activity teacher.
Of the doctors mentioned in I of article D. 6124-197, at least one is a doctor specialising in physical and rehabilitation medicine or with proven training or experience in rehabilitation.
II. -The therapeutic plan referred to in II of article D. 6124-197 is drawn up by the multidisciplinary team defined in I.
III – Without prejudice to the provisions of III of article D. 6124-197, the members of the multidisciplinary team may be staff who report directly to the structure authorised to provide medical and rehabilitation care and who have signed the agreement referred to in I of article R. 6123-144.