When, in application of article L. 6143-4, the statement of projected income and expenditure is subject to express approval, this is given within thirty days of receipt of the draft statement of projected income and expenditure. In the absence of express approval, the director of the institution will draw up a new statement of projected income and expenditure in accordance with the conditions set out in article R. 6145-32.
To reach a decision on the draft statement of projected income and expenditure presented to it, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency takes into account:
1° Changes in the number of staff recorded in the projected table of paid staff in the main profit and loss account between the last comparative statement mentioned in Article R. 6145-6 for the previous financial year and the draft statement of estimates of revenue and expenditure for the current year;
2° The change in revenue between the last comparative statement mentioned in article R. 6145-6 for the previous financial year and the draft statement of estimates of revenue and expenditure for the current year.