In accordance with a branch agreement or, failing that, a collective agreement concluded between the representative employers’ and employees’ organisations that have signed an agreement establishing a skills operator, a skills operator finances actions at a set level of funding.
The level of funding corresponds to a lump sum paid by the skills operator. This amount covers all or part of the training costs as well as transport and accommodation costs.
Payment of the remuneration of employees undergoing retraining or work-linked training, as provided for in the extended branch agreement referred to in the second paragraph of article L. 6324-5, may also include the statutory and collectively agreed social security charges payable by the employer in respect of the employees concerned, although the total amount paid in respect of remuneration may not exceed the hourly cost of the interprofessional minimum growth wage.
This amount is communicated by the skills operator to France Compétences.
The amendment to the employment contract providing for retraining or promotion through work-linked training is filed in accordance with the procedures mentioned in articles D. 6325-1et seq.