The business centres are set up in premises separate from the work premises, in such a way as to ensure that, while participating in the activity, where appropriate, employees are gradually trained or upgraded.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title V: Training organisations | Chapter II: Operation | Section 6: Vocational training centres | Subsection 1: Purpose, organisation and operation | Article D6352-29 of the French Labour Code
The business centres are set up in premises separate from the work premises, in such a way as to ensure that, while participating in the activity, where appropriate, employees are gradually trained or upgraded.
Les centres d’entreprises sont installés dans des locaux séparés des locaux de travail, suivant les modalités permettant de s’assurer que tout en participant, le cas échéant, à l’activité, les salariés sont formés ou perfectionnés progressivement.
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