The occupational health inspector communicates to the technical committees of the social security funds the information he possesses on the risks of occupational diseases and accidents inherent in the various companies.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Eight: Monitoring the application of employment legislation | Book I: Labour inspection | Title II: Labour inspection system | Chapter III: Support for the Labour Inspectorate | Section 1: Occupational health inspector | Article D8123-4 of the French Labour Code
The occupational health inspector communicates to the technical committees of the social security funds the information he possesses on the risks of occupational diseases and accidents inherent in the various companies.
Le médecin inspecteur du travail communique aux comités techniques des caisses de sécurité sociale les renseignements qu’il possède sur les risques de maladies professionnelles et d’accidents du travail inhérents aux différentes entreprises.
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