For the application of Article L. 8272-1, the competent authority is the authority managing public aid. This authority may, under the conditions laid down in this section, refuse to grant public aid, or request reimbursement, corresponding to the following schemes:
1° Apprenticeship contract ;
2° Contrat unique d’insertion ;
3° Contrat de professionnalisation ;
4° Bonus for job creation in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon;
5° Aides des collectivités territoriales et de leurs groupements prévues aux articles L. 1511-1 à L. 1511-5 du code général des collectivités territoriales ;
6° Aid and subsidies to support the creation, production and broadcasting of live and recorded performances;
7° Partial activity allowance provided for in article L. 5122-1.