The State representative in the department, special-status collectivity or overseas collectivity governed by Articles 73 or 74 or Title XIII of the Constitution is the territorial delegate of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion.
The agency’s territorial delegates may sub-delegate their powers or signatures.
They shall ensure that the agency’s actions are consistent and complementary, on the one hand, with the support provided to local projects by local public players or associations involved in engineering and, on the other hand, with the decisions taken within the territorial conference on public action mentioned in article L. 1111-9-1.
They shall encourage public participation in the preparation of projects by local and regional authorities and their groupings.
They hold regular meetings, at least twice a year, of a local committee for territorial cohesion, which is informed of requests for support from local authorities and their groupings, the action taken on them and, where applicable, the implementation of the projects concerned.
The composition and operating procedures of this committee are specified by regulation.