In companies or establishments with at least one thousand employees, as well as in the companies mentioned in article L. 2331-1 and those meeting the conditions mentioned in articles L. 2341-1 and L. 2341-2, as long as they employ a total of at least one thousand employees, the employer offers each employee whose redundancy is being considered for economic reasons redeployment leave, the purpose of which is to enable the employee to benefit from training and the services of a job search support unit.
The duration of the redeployment leave may not exceed twelve months, which may be extended to twenty-four months in the case of retraining.
This leave begins, if necessary, with a skills assessment designed to enable the employee to define a career plan and, if necessary, to determine the training courses required for redeployment. These are implemented during the period provided for in the first paragraph.
The employer finances all of these actions.