The assignment contract must have a fixed term when it is signed.
However, the contract may not include a precise term when it is concluded in one of the following cases:
1° Replacement of an absent employee ;
2° Replacement of an employee whose employment contract has been suspended;
3° Pending the actual commencement of employment of an employee recruited under a permanent contract;
4° Seasonal jobs defined in 3° of article L. 1242-2 or for which, in certain sectors of activity defined by decree or by agreement or extended collective agreement, it is common practice not to use open-ended employment contracts due to the nature of the activity carried out and the temporary nature of these jobs;
5° Replacement of one of the persons mentioned in 4° and 5° of article L. 1251-6.
The assignment contract is then concluded for a minimum period. It ends at the end of the absence of the person replaced or the achievement of the purpose for which it was concluded.