The delegating federations, where applicable in coordination with the professional leagues they have created, shall draw up a charter of ethics and professional conduct in accordance with the principles defined by the charter provided for inarticle L. 141-3.
They shall set up an ethics committee from among their members, whose independence they shall guarantee. This committee shall ensure that the charter referred to in the first paragraph of this article is applied and that the rules of ethics, professional conduct and prevention and handling of conflicts of interest defined therein are complied with. If necessary, it shall refer the matter to the competent disciplinary bodies.
The Ethics Committee is responsible for determining the list of members of the national and regional governing bodies of the delegated federations, as well as the commissions mentioned in the statutes provided for inarticle L. 131-8, the professional leagues and the bodies mentioned inarticle L. 132-2, who send it a declaration showing the interests held on the date of their appointment, during the five years preceding that date and, by means of corrective declarations, until the end of their term of office. He refers any difficulties concerning these declarations of interest to the Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique (High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life).