Buildings must be connected to the public sewerage system designed to receive domestic wastewater and laid under the public road to which they have access, either directly or via private roads or rights of way, within two years of the public sewerage system being brought into service.
An inter-ministerial decree determines the categories of buildings for which a mayoral decree, approved by the State representative in the département, may grant either extensions to the deadline, which may not exceed ten years, or exemptions from the obligation set out in the first paragraph.
The municipality may decide that between the commissioning of the public collection network and the connection of the building or the expiry of the period granted for connection, it will collect from the owners of buildings that can be connected a sum equivalent to the fee instituted in application ofarticle L. 2224-12-2 of the General Local Authorities Code.
The municipality may lay down technical requirements for the connection of buildings to the public wastewater and rainwater collection network.