The general rules governing the archives of local authorities and groups of local authorities are laid down by the provisions of II of Article L. 212-4 and Articles L. 212-4-1 to L. 212-10 and L. 212-33 of the Heritage Code.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS | BOOK IV: LOCAL PUBLIC SERVICES | TITLE II: PROVISIONS SPECIFIC TO CERTAIN LOCAL PUBLIC SERVICES | CHAPTER I: Local authority cultural services | Section 1: Archives | Article L1421-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The general rules governing the archives of local authorities and groups of local authorities are laid down by the provisions of II of Article L. 212-4 and Articles L. 212-4-1 to L. 212-10 and L. 212-33 of the Heritage Code.
Les règles générales relatives aux archives des collectivités territoriales et des groupements de collectivités territoriales sont fixées par les dispositions du II de l’article L. 212-4 et des articles L. 212-4-1 à L. 212-10 et L. 212-33 du code du patrimoine.
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