A national steering committee for the regional health agencies brings together representatives of the State and its public bodies, including the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie, as well as representatives of the national health insurance bodies that are members of the Union nationale des caisses d’assurance maladie. The ministers responsible for health, health insurance, the elderly and the disabled, or their representative, chair the committee; the ministers responsible for the budget and social security are also members. The Minister of Defence, or his representative, is invited to attend when the Armed Forces Health Service is involved in implementing national health policy and taking account of the specific needs of defence.
The Conseil national de pilotage des agences régionales de santé (National Steering Committee for Regional Health Agencies) provides the regional health agencies with guidelines for implementing national health policy throughout the country. It ensures the consistency of the policies they are required to implement in terms of public health, the organisation of healthcare provision, medico-social care and risk management, and validates their objectives.
It defines the standard contract provided for in article L. 182-2-1-1 of the Social Security Code, governing the terms and conditions for implementing regional plans for risk management and healthcare system efficiency.
It approves all instructions issued to the agencies. It coordinates the agency network.
It periodically assesses the results of the action taken by the agencies and their Chief Executive Officers, in particular on the basis of the contracts defined in article L. 1433-2.
It determines the national guidelines for the fund mentioned in article L. 1435-8.
The National Steering Board shall ensure that the distribution of the funding allocated to the regional health agencies takes account of the objective of reducing inequalities in health as set out in article L. 1411-1.