The appropriations previously entered in the State budget for the establishment and implementation of town planning documents and easements and which correspond to the transferred powers are the subject of a special contribution within the general decentralisation grant.
From 2013, this special contribution is increased by the amount of financial compensation for the costs mentioned in Article 17 of Law no. 83-8 of 7 January 1983 relating to the division of powers between municipalities, departments, regions and the State and resulting from contracts intended to guarantee local authorities against risks arising from the exercise of powers transferred in relation to town planning.
The credits from this special assistance are distributed by the State representative between the municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation in each department that draw up territorial coherence schemes, local town planning schemes, communal maps and the sustainable development and development plan mentioned in article L. 4424-9 of this code, under conditions defined by decree in the Council of State.