Access to training provided by a centre mentioned in article L. 211-4 of this code is subject to the conclusion of an agreement between the beneficiary of the training or his legal representative and the sports association or company.
The agreement determines the duration, level and terms of the training.
It stipulates that at the end of the training, if he intends to practice the sport in which he has been trained on a professional basis, the beneficiary of the training may be obliged to enter into an employment contract as defined in articles L. 222-2 to L. 222-2-9 of this code with the association or company to which the centre belongs, the duration of which may not exceed three years. By way of derogation, where a collective disciplinary agreement so provides, this maximum term may be extended to five years, under conditions laid down by decree.
If the sports association or company does not offer the player an employment contract, it is obliged to provide the player with educational or professional integration assistance, in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
The stipulations of the agreement are determined for each sport under conditions defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, in accordance with standard stipulations.