The Livret A is open to individuals, associations mentioned in article 206. 5 of the General Tax Code, low-income housing associations and co-owners’ associations.
Minors may open Livret A accounts without the involvement of their legal representative. They may withdraw the sums contained in the passbooks opened without the involvement of their legal representative, but only after they have reached the age of sixteen and unless their legal representative objects.
The same person may only hold one Livret A or one Crédit Mutuel special passbook account opened before 1 January 2009. However, low-income housing associations may open one or more Livret A passbook accounts with the credit institutions referred to in Article L. 221-1.
For the purposes of this section, syndicates of co-owners are subject to the same provisions as the associations mentioned in article 206.5 of the General Tax Code.