The doctor or midwife who is approached by a woman with a view to terminating her pregnancy must, from the first visit, inform her of the medical and surgical methods for terminating pregnancy and of the risks and potential side-effects.
The doctor or midwife must provide the woman with a dossier-guide, updated at least once a year, containing in particular a reminder of the provisions of articles L. 2212-1 and L. 2212-2, the list and addresses of the organisations mentioned in article L. 2212-4 and the establishments where voluntary termination of pregnancy is carried out. To this end, the regional health agencies publish a directory listing, subject to their agreement, the health professionals and all the facilities providing voluntary termination of pregnancy mentioned in article L. 2212-2. Access to this directory must be free and effective. This effectiveness is ensured by all means.
The regional health agencies are responsible for producing and distributing guide files for doctors and midwives.