The social and economic committee of a controlled undertaking or of an undertaking over which it exercises a dominant influence within the meaning of Article L. 2331-1 may request, for the application of the provisions of this Title, that the undertaking be included in the group thus formed. The request is forwarded by the head of the undertaking concerned to the head of the dominant undertaking, which grants the request within three months.
If the relationship defined in article L. 2331-1 ceases to exist between the two undertakings, the works council of the undertaking concerned is informed in advance, stating the reasons. This ceases to be taken into account for the composition of the Group Works Council.
When the Group Works Council is already constituted, any undertaking which establishes with the dominant undertaking, directly or indirectly, the relations defined in article L. 2331-1, is taken into account for the constitution of the Group Works Council at the time of its renewal.