The municipalities in the overseas departments receive a share of the urban policy allocation provided for in article L. 2334-40. This share is calculated by applying to the total amount of the urban policy allocation the ratio, increased by 33%, existing, according to the last census, between the total population of the communes in the overseas departments and the total population of the communes in the metropolitan and overseas departments.
This criterion is assessed on the basis of data known at 1 January of the year preceding the allocation.
Eligible for this quota are municipalities in overseas departments with more than 5,000 inhabitants within whose territory there is at least one multiannual agreement concluded with the National Agency for Urban Renewal, as referred to in article 10 of law no. 2003-710 of 1st August 2003 d’orientation et de programmation pour la ville et la rénovation urbaine’, on 1st January of the year preceding the allocation. Municipalities in the overseas departments and the territorial collectivities of Martinique and Guyana are also eligible if they are included in the list of neighbourhoods with the most serious urban problems drawn up in application of II of article 9-1 de la loi n° 2003-710 du 1er août 2003 d’orientation et de programmation pour la ville et la rénovation urbaine.
The share is divided between the overseas departments in proportion to the population of eligible municipalities in their territory. The allocation for each department is increased, where applicable, by the amount calculated pursuant to the fifteenth paragraph of Article L. 2334-40 and capped at €1,000,000 per eligible commune.
These credits are used in accordance with the conditions set out in III of article L. 2334-40.
The population to be taken into account for the application of the third and fourth paragraphs of this article is that defined in Article L. 2334-2.