The public prosecutor as well as any interested person may request the president of the competent court ruling in summary proceedings to enjoin, if necessary under penalty, the legal representative of a limited liability company, a public limited company, a public limited company with worker participation, a simplified joint stock company, a European company or a partnership limited by shares to include on all deeds and documents emanating from the company:
1° The company name, immediately and legibly preceded or followed by the following words or initials, as appropriate: “société à responsabilité limitée” or “SARL”, “société anonyme” or “SA”, “société anonyme à participation ouvrière” or “SAPO”, “société par actions simplifiée” or “SAS”, “société européenne” or “SE” or “société en commandite par actions”;
2° An indication of the share capital, unless it is a company with variable capital within the meaning of l’article L. 231-1. In the latter case, the public prosecutor or any interested party may ask the president of the commercial court ruling in summary proceedings to enjoin the legal representative of a variable capital company, subject to a fine if necessary, to include the following words in all deeds and documents issued by the company: “à capital variable” (“variable capital company”), immediately and legibly preceded or followed by the company name.
The public prosecutor or any interested person may request the president of the competent court ruling in summary proceedings to enjoin, if necessary under a fine, the legal representative of an economic interest grouping to bear on all acts and documents emanating from that grouping the name thereof, immediately and legibly followed by the words or initials: “economic interest grouping” or “EIG”.