I.-The articles L. 2331-5 to L. 2331-10 are applicable in Mayotte from 1 January 2014.
II.-Until 31 December 2013, revenue from the investment section of the budget of the communes of Mayotte includes:
1° The amount of contributions to public facilities expenditure provided for by the town planning code applicable to Mayotte;
2° The proceeds of investment and equipment grants;
3° Allocations from the distribution of the inter-municipal equalisation fund ;
4° The amount of the participation instituted in development sectors under the provisions of the town planning code applicable to Mayotte;
5° Allocations from the rural territories equipment grant;
6° The proceeds from disposals of fixed assets under the conditions laid down by decree ;
7° Available income from the operating section;
8° Proceeds from borrowings;
9° Proceeds from assistance funds;
10° Proceeds from disposals of financial fixed assets ;
<11° For municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with a population of 3,500 or more and for their public establishments, depreciation of fixed assets;
12° For municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with a population of 3,500 or more and for their public establishments, provisions.