Article L2564-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The provisions of Books I to IV of this Part are applicable to Mayotte under the conditions and subject to the reservations provided for in this chapter.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK V: SPECIAL PROVISIONS | TITLE VI: MUNICIPALITIES IN OVERSEAS DEPARTMENTS | CHAPTER IV : Provisions applicable to the communes of Mayotte
The provisions of Books I to IV of this Part are applicable to Mayotte under the conditions and subject to the reservations provided for in this chapter.
For the application to Mayotte of these provisions: 1° The reference to the department, overseas department, region or overseas region is replaced by the reference to the Department of Mayotte; 2° The reference to the regional council or general councils is replaced by the reference to the general council; 3° The reference to the hourly value of the minimum growth wage is replaced by the reference to the hourly rate…
Chapters III and IV of Title I of Book I of this Part shall not apply to Mayotte.
Article L. 2123-21 does not apply in Mayotte.
Article L. 2121-32 is applicable in Mayotte from 1st January 2014.
For the application in Mayotte of article L. 2213-10, a paragraph is added as follows: “The mayor may prescribe special arrangements for plots that belong to a public person other than the municipality or to a private person and are used as burial grounds. “
For the application in Mayotte of Article L. 2223-20, the first sentence of the first paragraph is replaced by the following sentence: “The funeral regulations applicable in Mayotte are established by order of the State representative in Mayotte, after consulting the association of mayors of Mayotte. “
For the application to Mayotte of Article L. 2223-21, the reference to the national funeral regulations is replaced by the reference to the funeral regulations applicable to Mayotte.
For the application in Mayotte of Article L. 2223-23, the eighth paragraph reads: “The only valid authorisations in Mayotte are those issued by the State representative in this department. These authorisations are only valid in Mayotte. “
For the application in Mayotte of the second paragraph of Article L. 2223-28, after the words: “under the supervision of the mayor”, the following words are added: “provided that funeral operations can be carried out in good conditions of decency, hygiene and safety”.
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