In all communes in Mayotte where an initial numbering operation is carried out, half of the cost of the operation, if completed before 31 December 2018, is subject to financial compensation in the form of an exceptional grant paid by the State.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK V: SPECIAL PROVISIONS | TITLE VI: MUNICIPALITIES IN OVERSEAS DEPARTMENTS | CHAPTER IV : Provisions applicable to the communes of Mayotte | Section 4: Municipal finances | Subsection 3: Revenue | Paragraph 3: Grants and subsidies | Article L2564-28 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
In all communes in Mayotte where an initial numbering operation is carried out, half of the cost of the operation, if completed before 31 December 2018, is subject to financial compensation in the form of an exceptional grant paid by the State.
Dans toutes les communes de Mayotte où une opération de premier numérotage est réalisée, la moitié du coût de l’opération, si celle-ci est terminée avant le 31 décembre 2018, fait l’objet d’une compensation financière sous la forme d’une dotation exceptionnelle versée par l’Etat.
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