Notwithstanding 4° of article L. 4211-1, in the event of a nuclear accident or terrorist act constituting a serious health threat requiring them to be dispensed or distributed as a matter of urgency, health products from State stocks and appearing on a list drawn up by the Minister for Health may be dispensed or distributed when no pharmacist is present, under the responsibility of the State representative in the département, by health professionals other than pharmacists and, failing that, by the persons mentioned in article L. 721-2 of the Internal Security Code or by staff from State or local authority departments designated under conditions laid down by decree.
By way of derogation from articles L. 4211-1 and L. 5126-1 of this Code, these health products may be stored, under conditions laid down by decree, outside pharmacies and pharmacies for internal use, in order to enable them to be dispensed or distributed urgently in the cases provided for in the first paragraph of this article.