I.-The participating and parent undertakings referred to in the second and third paragraphs of Article L. 356-2 respectively shall set up a system of governance which guarantees sound and prudent management of the business at group level and which is subject to regular internal review. This system of governance shall be based on a clear separation of responsibilities at group level and shall include an effective system for the transmission of information. It is proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the Group’s operations.
This system of governance includes the following key functions: the risk management function, the compliance function, the internal audit function and the actuarial function.
The undertakings referred to in the previous paragraph shall draw up written policies relating at least to risk management, internal control, internal audit and, where applicable, the outsourcing referred to in Article L. 310-3, at group level. They shall ensure that these policies are implemented.
Undertakings shall take steps to ensure continuity and regularity in the conduct of their business, including the preparation of contingency plans at group level. To that end, they shall implement appropriate and proportionate arrangements, resources and procedures.
II – The effective management of the undertakings referred to in I is ensured by at least two people.
These undertakings also designate within the group, within the meaning of Article L. 356-1, the person responsible for each of the key functions mentioned in I.
The persons mentioned in the two previous paragraphs carry out their activities at group level under the conditions provided for in Articles L. 322-2 and L. 322-3-2 for undertakings governed by the Insurance Code, Articles L. 114-21 and L. 211-13 of the Mutual Code for mutuals and unions governed by the Mutual Code and articles L. 931-7-1 and L. 931-7-2 of the Social Security Code for institutions, unions and sociétés de groupe assurantiel de protection sociale governed by Title 3 of Book 9 of the Social Security Code.
The appointment and reappointment of these persons are notified to the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution under the conditions set out in Article L. 612-23-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.