I. – The Metropole of Lyon automatically exercises, in place of the municipalities located on its territory, the following competencies:
1° In terms of economic, social and cultural development and planning:
a) Creation, development, maintenance and management of industrial, commercial, tertiary, craft, tourist, port or airport activity zones;
b) Economic development actions, including participation in the capital of companies mentioned in 8° of Article L. 4211-1, and actions contributing to the promotion and influence of the territory and its activities, as well as support for and participation in the steering of competitiveness clusters located within its territory;
c) Support and aid programme for higher education and research establishments and research programmes, taking into account the regional higher education, research and innovation plan ;
d) Construction, development, maintenance and operation of metropolitan cultural, socio-cultural, socio-educational and sports facilities;
e) Promotion of tourism, including the creation of tourist offices, without prejudice to the promotion of tourism, which is a competence shared, within the meaning of article L. 1111-4, with the municipalities of the metropolis;
2° In terms of metropolitan spatial planning:
a) Territorial coherence scheme and sector scheme; local town planning and town planning documents in lieu thereof; definition, creation and implementation of development operations; actions to enhance the natural and landscape heritage; constitution of land reserves;
b) Organisation of mobility within the meaning of the articles L. 1231-1, L. 1231-8 and L. 1231-14 à L. 1231-16 of the Transport Code; creation, development and maintenance of roads in the public road domain of Metropolitan Lyon; signposting; car parks and parking areas, local mobility plan; passenger shelters;
c) Participation in the governance and development of railway stations located on metropolitan territory;
d) Establishment, operation, acquisition and provision of telecommunications infrastructures and networks, in accordance with l’article L. 1425-1 of this code;
3° With regard to local housing policy:
a) Local housing programme;
b) Housing policy; financial aid for social housing; actions to promote social housing; actions to promote housing for disadvantaged people;
c) Improvement of the built housing stock, rehabilitation and elimination of substandard housing;
d) Creation, development, maintenance and management of reception areas for Travellers and family rental sites as defined in 1° to 3° of II of article 1 of law no. 2000-614 of 5 July 2000 relating to the reception and housing of travellers;
4° With regard to urban policy:
a) Drawing up a diagnosis of the area and defining the guidelines for the city contract;
b) Leading and coordinating contractual arrangements for urban development, local development and economic and social integration, as well as local arrangements for preventing delinquency;
c) Action programmes defined in the city contract;
5° In terms of managing services of collective interest:
a) Sewerage and water;
b) Creation, management, extension and translation of metropolitan cemeteries and cinerary sites, as well as creation, management and extension of metropolitan crematoria;
c) Abattoirs, abattoir markets and markets of national interest;
d) Fire and rescue services, under the conditions set out in the chapitre IV du titre II du livre IV de la première partie du présent code;
e) Service public de défense extérieure contre l’incendie;
6° En matière de protection et de mise en valeur de l’environnement et de politique du cadre de vie :
a) Management of household and similar waste;
b) Combating air pollution;
c) Combating noise pollution;
d) Support for actions to control energy demand;
e) Preparation and adoption of the territorial climate-air-energy plan in application of l’article L. 229-26 of the Environment Code, consistent with national targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and the production of renewable energy;
f) Concession for the public distribution of electricity and gas;
g) Creation, development, maintenance and management of district heating or cooling networks;
h) Creation and maintenance of charging infrastructures required for the use of electric or rechargeable hybrid vehicles;
i) Management of aquatic environments and flood prevention, under the conditions provided for in article L. 211-7 of the Environment Code;
j) Creation and management of disinfection services and hygiene and health services.
II. – The Lyon Metropolitan Council approves the local urban development plan by a simple majority of the votes cast.
I. The Lyon Metropolitan Council approves the local urban development plan by a simple majority of the votes cast.