I.-The provisions of I of article L. 533-22 of the Monetary and Financial Code are applicable to supplementary occupational pension funds, insofar as they invest in shares admitted to trading on a regulated market, either directly or through the intermediary of a portfolio management company mentioned in article L. 532-9 of the same code, with the exception of those which exclusively manage FIAs covered by I of article L. 214-167 of the said code, FIAs covered by IV of article L. 532-9 of the same code, FIAs covered by the second paragraph of III of article L. 532-9 of the same code or which manage other collective investments mentioned in article L. 214-191 of the same code, or an investment firm which provides the investment services mentioned in 4° of article L. 321-1 of the same code.
When the shareholder commitment policy mentioned in I of article L. 533-22 of the Monetary and Financial Code is implemented, including with regard to voting, either by a portfolio management company mentioned in article L. 532-9 of the same code, with the exception of those which exclusively manage FIAs covered by I of article L. 214-167 of the said code, FIAs covered by IV of article L. 532-9 of the same code, FIAs covered by the second paragraph of III of article L. 532-9 of the same code or which manage other collective investments mentioned in Article L. 214-191 of the same code, or by an investment firm which provides the investment services mentioned in 4° of Article L. 321-1 of the same code, on behalf of a person mentioned in this I, the latter shall indicate on its website the place where the portfolio management company or the investment firm has published the voting information.
II – II and III of Article L. 310-1-1-2 apply to supplementary occupational pension funds.