The personalised Republican integration pathway provided for in article L. 413-2 includes in particular:
1° Civic training prescribed by the State, relating to the values, principles and institutions of the Republic, the exercise of rights and duties associated with life in France and the organisation of French society;
2° Language training prescribed by the State, aimed at acquiring the French language ;
3° Vocational guidance and support designed to help them find work, in association with public employment service structures;
4° Support tailored to their needs to facilitate their reception and integration conditions.
The language training referred to in 2° includes a sufficient number of hours of French language instruction to enable newly-arrived foreign nationals to take up a job and integrate into French society. This training may give rise to standardised certification enabling the foreign national’s language level to be assessed. At the reasoned request of the foreign national, he/she may be exempted from the counselling mentioned in 3°.
The civic training and support mentioned in 1° and 4° are paid for by the State. They may be organised in association with national or local economic, social and civic players.