In addition to the leave of absence from which they benefit under the conditions set out in article L. 4135-1, the presidents and members of regional councils are entitled to a credit of hours enabling them to have the time necessary for the administration of the region or the body to which they represent it and for the preparation of meetings of the bodies on which they sit.
This flat-rate, quarterly credit of hours is equal to:
1° For the president and each vice-president of the regional council to the equivalent of four times the legal weekly working time;
2° For regional councillors, to the equivalent of three times the legal weekly working time.
Hours not used during a quarter cannot be carried over.
In the event of part-time work, this credit of hours is reduced in proportion to the reduction in working time provided for the job in question.
The employer is required to grant the elected representatives concerned, at their request, authorisation to use the credit of hours provided for in this article. This time of absence is not paid by the employer.